Hemochromatosis as a Factor in AD
discussion paper "Previous attempts to treat AD with antioxidants or iron chelation have been
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discussion paper "Previous attempts to treat AD with antioxidants or iron chelation have been
paper. Pascale Lacor: Gabrielle: Steve Paul's and Dave Holtzman's groups have a paper today
cardiovascular disease. Every paper has a different angle. Mark Mattson: {enters} Hello, did everyone take their
situation may be more complex than that. In fact, a recent Cell paper (Baek et al.) suggests additional
it is a possibility (see related ARF news story). Changiz Geula Gunnar, in your paper you mention
recently. Peter Klein Scott, we published a paper recently in JBC on PP1 dephosphorylation of serine
a question growing right out of his Nature Medicine paper. Many people probably wonder if soluble Receptor
very happy with your results. A very interesting paper, indeed. Monica Carson I would not advocate
comments by using our Comments form at the bottom of the page. Paper Under Discussion: Neve RL and Robakis
your main concepts in the JAD papers. Suzanne de la Monte Our main concepts are that Alzheimer disease
Ben Barres Wenan, Mike Sofroniew’s paper shows that reactive gliosis is important in keeping neurons
thank Science Translational Medicine for giving Alzforum readers temporary free access to this paper
to this paper. Please send technical questions prior to the actual event to contact@alzforum.org.
be a reason that owners elect to euthanize (Fast et al., 2013). There is a new paper suggesting that
its role in AD pathogenesis. The Guest Moderator was David Holtzman. Paper Under Discussion.
Have a topic idea for a webinar? We would love to hear it. Send an email to webinars [at] alzforum [dot] org.