346769 RESULTS

World Alzheimer Conference 2000: Presenilin's γ-Secretase Activity

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-07-17 Conference Coverage Almost 12% (152) of the 1,307 abstracts presented at the 7th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and related disorders made reference to presenilin (PS). For an overview of PS biology check out the webcast of Bruce Yankner’

World Alzheimer Conference 2000: Pin1 Binds Both Tau and APP

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-07-17 Conference Coverage One of the great unsolved mysteries of Alzheimer's disease is the link between the disease's two major lesions: Aβ amyloid plaques and tau tangles. Proponents of the amyloid cascade hypothesis presume that the former causes t

World Alzheimer Conference 2000: Hot Topics in AD

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-07-14 Conference Coverage Several late-breaking, dramatic results were presented at this final symposium of the meeting. Michael Hutton and colleagues from Mayo Laboratory, Jacksonville, which only a few days earlier had first publicly presented data showing ta

World Alzheimer Conference 2000: Hot Topics Symposium

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-07-14 Conference Coverage Several late-breaking, dramatic results were presented at this final symposium of the meeting. Michael Hutton and colleagues from Mayo Laboratory, Jacksonville, which only a few days earlier had first publicly presented data showing ta

World Alzheimer Conference 2000: Maybe Plaques Kill Neurons after All

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-07-13 Conference Coverage Although there are many reports of neurotoxic effects of amyloid when applied to neurons in culture, the evidence for toxicity in vivo has been less compelling. Of particular surprise has been the finding that most transgenic mice in w

World Alzheimer Conference 2000: Drosophilae in the Emulsifier

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-07-13 Conference Coverage The centrality of the amyloid hypothesis for AD pathology is evident at this conference not only by the sheer number of papers and posters devoted to it (708 out of a total of 1279, as opposed to 163 for apoE and 152 for presenilin, fo

World Alzheimer Conference 2000: Huang Poster

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-07-13 Conference Coverage The potential contribution of ApoE to AD pathology was cast in a novel light in data presented as a poster today by Huang et al. They were studying the fate of ApoE when expressed by transient transfection in Neuro-2a cells. The ApoE w

World Alzheimer Conference 2000: Neuroinflammation in AD

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-07-13 Conference Coverage Reported by Walter Lukiw.  Classical and Alternative Pathways-Neil Cooper. It has been a century since Alzheimer and Bielchowsky reported senile plaques (SP) in AD brain, but it was only relatively rece

A Common Principle of Neurodegenerative Cell Death?

RESEARCH NEWS 2000-07-12 Research News Do individual neurons gradually waste away in inherited neurodegenerative diseases, or are they functioning more or less normally until one catastrophic event does them in? A study published in tomorrow's Nature suggests that a "on

World Alzheimer Conference 2000: Symposium on Therapeutic Approaches

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-07-11 Conference Coverage One of the first symposia of the conference was dedicated to an overview of the current and future treatments for AD. Six presenters gave their perspectives on many treatment issues ranging from management of behavioral disturbances to

World Alzheimer Conference 2000: Symposium on ApoE

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-07-11 Conference Coverage Amyloid plaques are still the main attraction, and tangles have certainly not left the stage, but there is still a lot of interest at this meeting (off-Broadway, so to speak) in other potential players in AD pathology. An example is Ap

World Alzheimer Conference 2000: De la Monte Receives Alzheimer Medal

CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-07-10 Conference Coverage The editors of the Journal of Alzheimer Disease announced today that Suzanne de la Monte was the recipient of its Alzheimer Medal for best article published in the past year. De la Monte was lauded for her article, "Cerebrovascula

Can Adult Mice Grow New, Functional Cortical Neurons?

RESEARCH NEWS 2000-07-03 Research News Transplanted stem cells have provided compelling news stories in recent years, promising regeneration of damaged nervous systems, but another possibility-that the adult brain itself could provide the pluripotent cells to replace damaged neur

Toward Visualizing Plaques in Vivo

RESEARCH NEWS 2000-07-03 Research News One of the challenges to diagnosing Alzheimer's disease is the lack of a nonbehavioral clinical test. The definitive diagnosis can only be made when amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are seen at autopsy. Virginia Lee, Daniel S

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