PAPER Sugaya K
345539 RESULTS
PAPER Szpak GM, Lewandowska E, Lechowicz W, Bertrand E, Wierzba-Bobrowicz T, Gwiazda E, Pasennik E, Kosno-Kruszewska E, Lipczyńska-Lojkowska W, Bochyńska A, Fiszer U
Lewy body variant of Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer's disease: a comparative immunohistochemical study.
Folia Neuropathol. 2001;39(2):63-71. PubMed.PAPER Bertrand E, Lewandowska E, Szpak GM, Hoogenraad T, Blaauwgers HG, Członkowska A, Dymecki J
Neuropathological analysis of pathological forms of astroglia in Wilson's disease.
Folia Neuropathol. 2001;39(2):73-9. PubMed.PAPER Wang J, Tung YC, Wang Y, Li XT, Iqbal K, Grundke-Iqbal I
Hyperphosphorylation and accumulation of neurofilament proteins in Alzheimer disease brain and in okadaic acid-treated SY5Y cells.
FEBS Lett. 2001 Oct 19;507(1):81-7. PubMed.PAPER Reynish W, Andrieu S, Nourhashemi F, Vellas B
Nutritional factors and Alzheimer's disease.
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2001 Nov;56(11):M675-80. PubMed.PAPER Hébert R, Dubois MF, Wolfson C, Chambers L, Cohen C
Factors associated with long-term institutionalization of older people with dementia: data from the Canadian Study of Health and Aging.
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2001 Nov;56(11):M693-9. PubMed.PAPER Young KW, Greenwood CE
Shift in diurnal feeding patterns in nursing home residents with Alzheimer's disease.
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2001 Nov;56(11):M700-6. PubMed.PAPER Anderson RN
Deaths: leading causes for 1999.
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Folates and prevention of disease.
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Clearing the brain's amyloid cobwebs.
Neuron. 2001 Oct 25;32(2):177-80. PubMed.PAPER Tanzi RE, Bertram L
New frontiers in Alzheimer's disease genetics.
Neuron. 2001 Oct 25;32(2):181-4. PubMed.PAPER Tominaga-Yoshino K, Uetsuki T, Yoshikawa K, Ogura A
Neurotoxic and neuroprotective effects of glutamate are enhanced by introduction of amyloid precursor protein cDNA.
Brain Res. 2001 Nov 9;918(1-2):121-30. PubMed.PAPER Lamirault L, Simon H
Enhancement of place and object recognition memory in young adult and old rats by RS 67333, a partial agonist of 5-HT4 receptors.
Neuropharmacology. 2001 Dec;41(7):844-53. PubMed.PAPER Padovan C, Versace R, Thomas-Antérion C, Laurent B
Evidence for a selective deficit in automatic activation of positive information in patients with Alzheimer's disease in an affective priming paradigm.
Neuropsychologia. 2002;40(3):335-9. PubMed.PAPER Lamar M, Price CC, Davis KL, Kaplan E, Libon DJ
Capacity to maintain mental set in dementia.
Neuropsychologia. 2002;40(4):435-45. PubMed.Current Filters
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