CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-12-01 Conference Coverage Reported by Benjamin Wolozin, Natalie Golts and Peter Choi, Loyola University Medical Center The meeting in New Orleans demonstrated that the biology of α-synuclein and parkin are progressing at a rapid pace. Aggregation of α-synuclein
RESEARCH NEWS 2000-11-30 Research News Macrophage activity is thought to play a key role in Alzheimer's and some other neurodegenerative diseases, such as ALS, as well as in autoimmune disorders. The mechanisms that regulate macrophages could, therefore, be an important targ
RESEARCH NEWS 2000-11-29 Research News Statins have recently appeared on the radar screen for Alzheimer's researchers because of studies by Ben Wolozin and his colleagues showing that people who take the cholesterol-lowering drugs have a significantly reduced risk of Alzheim
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RESEARCH NEWS 2000-11-22 Research News The abnormal prion protein, but not the normal prion protein, binds with high affinity to plasminogen, a plasma component that has been linked to neurotoxicity, according to a report in the current Nature. Besides the obvious fact that this
CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-11-17 Conference Coverage Last year, Brad Hyman’s group reported on their ability to image amyloid plaques in the brains of live PDAPP Tg mice. Plaques could be detected as deep as 200 microns and the same plaques could be imaged over the course of weeks using
CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-11-17 Conference Coverage Several presentations focused on the role of presenilins in calcium signaling pathways. Leissring and LaFerla (Abstract 474.7) reported that cells from mutant PS1 knockin mice are deficient in capacitative calcium entry (i.e., the infl
CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-11-15 Conference Coverage What is the latest on the immunization of mice and men with Aβ? Will we be celebrating victory over Alzheimer’s disease in a few years (and looking for new jobs), or has the story been overrated? One would predict to see a number of po
CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-11-15 Conference Coverage CD40 is a member of the TNF receptor superfamily, which includes TNFR-1, TNFR-2, Fas, CD27, RANK, DR4 (TRAIL-R1), DR5 (TRAIL-R2), and DR6, as well as assorted decoy receptors (e.g., DcR-1/TRAIL-3). The TNF receptor superfamily is chara
CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-11-15 Conference Coverage A current working hypothesis in the field of AD research is that preventing the accumulation of Aß peptides will slow or prevent cognitive decline. Two main strategies for accomplishing this goal have been pursued in recent years. The
CONFERENCE COVERAGE 2000-11-14 Conference Coverage One of the most daunting tasks facing attendees of this gigantic neuroscience data exchange (dare I say "flea market"?) is identifying signals in the noise (speaking both scientifically and literally). One approach is to sit
RESEARCH NEWS 2000-11-13 Research News In today's Journal of Cell Biology, researchers of the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute (UMBI) report that a molecule called ubiquilin regulates levels of presenilins, and is "highly expressed" in human neurons a