338728 RESULTS

New Alzheimer’s Gene? Cytochrome P450 Protein Linked to Tangles

RESEARCH NEWS 2024-09-27 Research News To boost the statistical power to find Alzheimer’s genes, geneticists often use endophenotypes—measurable characteristics of the disease—in place of clinical diagnoses. Case in point: A genome-wide association study on more than 3,000 tau PE

Synaptic Skirmish: Aβ and Tau Pathologies Battle Over Brain Rhythms

RESEARCH NEWS 2024-09-27 Research News When Aβ aggregates stoke synaptic fires, tau tangles put them out. This phenomenon, demonstrated in animal models, now gains support in a human study, published September 18 in Nature Neuroscience. Led by Sylvain Baillet at McGill University

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