- Alzforum Recommends
Hashimoto M, Bogdanovic N, Volkmann I, Aoki M, Winblad B, Tjernberg LO. Analysis of microdissected human neurons by a sensitive ELISA reveals a correlation between elevated intracellular concentrations of Abeta42 and Alzheimer's disease neuropathology. Acta Neuropathol. 2010 May;119(5):543-54. PubMed.
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Banner Research Institute
The abstract leads one to believe the authors used an ELISA on either single or relatively few neurons captured by LCM? This would be a great technical advance.
The University of Queensland
This is an interesting paper shedding light on the enigma of 'selective vulnerability' in AD.
Lund University
Biochemical analysis of intraneuronal Aβ in the brain is challenging and in contrast to the many immunohistochemical studies, there are very few biochemical studies on this topic. This very interesting study utilized laser capture microdissection microscopy and a new sensitive Aβ ELISA to demonstrate an increased Aβ42 to 40 ratio within neurons of sporadic AD compared to control brains. In addition, the authors show a marked increase in levels of Aβ in AD vulnerable (hippocampal CA1 pyramidal) compared to resistant (cerebellar Purkinje) neurons in AD brains.
Karolinska Institutet
A brief reply to Dr. Coleman: We captured 500 neurons from each case. The final number of neurons analyzed by the ELISA was around 5 neurons per well.
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