Dean DC 3rd, Jerskey BA, Chen K, Protas H, Thiyyagura P, Roontiva A, O'Muircheartaigh J, Dirks H, Waskiewicz N, Lehman K, Siniard AL, Turk MN, Hua X, Madsen SK, Thompson PM, Fleisher AS, Huentelman MJ, Deoni SC, Reiman EM. Brain differences in infants at differential genetic risk for late-onset Alzheimer disease: a cross-sectional imaging study. JAMA Neurol. 2014 Jan;71(1):11-22. PubMed.
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University of Colorado School of Medicine
This is a nice study that adds to the significant literature of brain imaging studies examining the effects of ApoE. It is fairly unique due to the study of infants and the examination of myelination. It will be interesting to see what mechanisms emerge regarding ApoE's role in neurodevelopment (altered cholesterol/lipid metabolism certainly seems plausible) and how ApoE modulation of brain structure may impact risk for AD over a lifetime. Additionally, it lends credence to the idea of ApoE playing a multifactorial role in AD risk.…More
View all comments by Andrew WolfClinic of Cardiovascular Diseases named after Most Holy John Tobolsky
This is a very important and interesting study on a large MRI sample showing apolipoprotein E4's (ApoE4) influence on the formation of myelin and the development of hypotrophic phenomena in the brain tissue of children in the first two years of life. This process may in turn lead to neurodegeneration and progression of AD. The data obtained have something in common with the data discussed on Alzforum in January 2013, when R. Knickmeyer and colleagues from the University of North Carolina reported hippocampal and temporal lobes hypotrophy in newborns with ApoE4 (Knickmeyer et al., 2013). These studies confirm our data obtained among children aged 8-12 (Maksimovich et al., 2010; Maksimovich, 2012) who were direct descendants of patients suffering from AD and who also had hypotrophic symptoms in hippocampal and temporal lobes tissue in the brain (Maksimovich, 2012; Maksimovich, 2013).…More
Knickmeyer RC, Wang J, Zhu H, Geng X, Woolson S, Hamer RM, Konneker T, Lin W, Styner M, Gilmore JH. Common Variants in Psychiatric Risk Genes Predict Brain Structure at Birth. Cereb Cortex. 2013 Jan 2; PubMed.
Maksimovich IV, Polyaev YA. The Importance of Early Diagnosis of Dyscircular Angiopathy of Alzheimer's Type in the Study of Heredity of Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimer's & Dementia, 6, 4, Supp. e 4, July 2010
Maksimovich IV. The Tomography Dementia Rating Scale (TDR) – the Rating Scale of Alzheimer's Disease Stages. Health. 2012 Sep;4(9A):712-9.
Maksimovich IV. Certain new aspects of etiology and pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Adv Alzheimer Dis. 2012 Dec;1(3):68-76.
Maksimovich IV. Disorders of cerebrovascular angioarchitectonics and microcirculation in the etiology and pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Adv Alzheimer Dis. 2013 Dec;(2)4:171-181.
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