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Jenny Gunnersen, PhD
Parkville, Australia
Professional Information
The University of Melbourne…
BSc Honours - James Cook University of North Queensland, Australia PhD - The University of Melbourne, AustraliaBio
Dr Gunnersen has an established track record in cellular/molecular neuroscience and is the Head of the Neuron Development and Plasticity Laboratory at the University of Melbourne. Her interests include molecular regulation of dendritic arborization and synaptogenesis.
Dr Gunnersen has created and analysed a number of knockout mouse models of neurological disease.
Dr Gunnersen is Chief Investigator A on 5 NHMRC Project Grants and has received the following awards: NHMRC Howard Florey Centenary Fellowship, a Neurosciences Victoria/Centre for Neuroscience Fellowship, the Australian Neuroscience Society Paxinos-Watson Award (shared prize), the Charles Goode Award for Scientific Excellence, the Society for Neuroscience Post-Doctoral Travel Award and the International Society for Neuroscience Young Investigator Award. She has convened/chaired/presented in a number of symposia including two at the Australian Neuroscience Society annual meetings (ANS/APPS 2010 & ANS 2013).