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Jean-Marc Taymans, Ph.D. Ir


Contact Information

Jean-Marc Taymans, Ph.D. Ir
Lille, France

Professional Information

Associate Professor in Neuroscience


Studies 1983-89: High School education in English at Saint Anselm’s Abbey School, Washington DC, USA (1983-88) and Saint Boniface Parnasse, Brussels, Belgium (1988-89). 1989-94: Bio-Engineer in Chemistry: Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences (in Dutch); KU Leuven, Belgium, specialisation: Microbiology, Cell & Gene Technology, Environmental Technology Master in Sciences thesis: Developing an expression system for mutated Glu138Lys reverse transcriptase of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Promoter: Prof. Dr. Ir. J. Anné; Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. Ir. J. Vanderleyden. 1994-95: Bachelor’s Diploma in Political Sciences and International Relations. Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium (in French). Sept 01 1999 - Aug 31 2003: PhD program jointly organized by the Free University of Amsterdam (VUA) and Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development (JJPRD). Dutch speaking environment. PhD thesis (obtained June 14, 2004): ‘Regulators of G-protein Signalling: neuroanatomical distribution and gene expression in the basal ganglia'. Promoters Prof. Dr. J.E. LEYSEN (JNJ-VUA), Prof. Dr. H.J. GROENEWEGEN (VUA), Co-promoter Dr. X. LANGLOIS (JJPRD). Additional certificates and training 1996-98: Diploma in Elementary Spanish Knowledge (obtained June 30, 1998), Ministerie van de vlaamse gemeenschap departement onderwijs, Gementelijke Leergangen voor sociale promotie, Tervuren. 2003, 2016: Certificate for Research Design (category C) in Laboratory Animal Sciences, Royal University of Gent (R.U.G.), Belgium, recognized by the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Sciences Associations (FELASA). Equivalent diploma obtained in France, Université de Lille 2, March 7 2016 (‘Formation spécifique destinée aux personnes concevant ou réalisant des procédures expérimentales’) 2003: Workshops in Applied Statistics for Non-Statisticians, Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Global Biometrics and Reporting. April 27-29, 2005: Euron Stereology course, Maastricht Brain and Behaviour Institute. October 28, 2015: ‘Habilitation à diriger les Recherches’ in Medicine, Université de Lille 2 May 20, 2016: Certificate for experimental surgery (‘Formation spécifique destinée aux personnes concevant ou réalisant des procédures expérimentales chirurgicales’), Université de Lille 2 (France).