Member Directory
Contact Information
Ihsen YOUSSEF, Research engeneer
Paris, France
Professional Information
Brain and Spine institute
2006 - PhD in neurosciences in Lorraine University (Nancy, FRANCE) 2003 - Master degree in Pharmacology in Lorraine University (Nancy, FRANCE)Bio
Epelbaum S, Youssef I, Lacor P, Chaurand P, Duplus E, Brugg B, Duyckaerts C, Delatour B. Acute amnestic encephalopathy in amyloid-ß oligomers injected mice is due to their widespread diffusion in vivo. in press at Neurobiol Aging.
Ando K, Laborde Q, Lazar A, Godefroy D, Youssef I, Amar M, Pooler A, Potier MC, Delatour B, Duyckaerts C. Inside Alzheimer brain with CLARITY: senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and axons in 3-D. Acta Neuropathol. 2014 Sep;128(3):457-9.
Lazar AN, Mourtas S, Youssef I, Parizot C, Dauphin A, Delatour B, Antimisiaris SG, Duyckaerts C. Curcumin-conjugated nanoliposomes with high affinity for Aβ deposits: Possible applications to Alzheimer disease. Nanomedicine. 2013 Jul;9(5):712-21.
Desbène C, Malaplate-Armand C, Youssef I, Garcia P, Stenger C, Sauvée M, Fischer N, Rimet D, Koziel V, Escanyé MC, Oster T, Kriem B, Yen FT, Pillot T, Olivier JL. Critical role of cPLA(2) in Aβ oligomer-induced neurodegeneration and memory deficit. 2012, Neurobiol. Aging. 33 (6): 1123.e17-1123.e29
Garcia P1,Youssef I1 , K. Utvik J, Florent-Béchard S, Hanse M, Barthélémy V, Armand-Malaplate C, Kriem B, Stenger C, Koziel V, Olivier JL, Escanye MC, Allouche A, Desbène C, T. Yen F, Bjerkvig R, Oster T, Niclou SP and Pillot T. CNTF cell based delivery prevents synaptic impairment and improves memory in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease. 2010, J. Neurosci. 30(22):7516-27. (1 Co-premiers auteurs)
Florent-Béchard S, Desbène C, Garcia P, Allouche A, Youssef I, Escanyé MC, Koziel V, Hanse M, Malaplate-Armand C, Stenger C, Kriem B, Yen-Potin FT, Olivier JL, Pillot T, Oster T. The essential role of lipids in Alzheimer's disease. 2009, Biochimie. 91(6): 804-809.
Youssef I, Florent-Béchard S, Koziel V, Kriem B, Bihain B, Olivier JL, Leininger-Muller B, Oster T, Pillot T. Soluble oligomers of N-terminal truncated amyloid-β peptide impair spatial cognition learning ability and induce neuronal apoptotic cell death. 2008, Neurobiol. Aging 29(9):1319-33
Florent-Béchard S, Youssef I, Malaplate-Armand C, Koziel V, Leininger-Muller B, Kriem B, Olivier JL, Oster T et Pillot T. Acide docosahexaénoïque et maladie d’Alzheimer : des raisons d’espérer ? 2007, O.C.L. 14(1): 16-24.
Malaplate-Armand C, Florent-Béchard S, Youssef I, Koziel V, Sponne I, Kriem B, Leininger-Muller B, Olivier JL, Oster T, Pillot T. Soluble oligomers of amyloid-beta peptide induce neuronal apoptosis by activating a cPLA2-dependent sphingomyelinase-ceramide pathway. 2006, Neurobiol. Dis. 23(1):178-89
Florent S, Malaplate-Armand C, Youssef I, Kriem B, Koziel V, Escanye MC, Fifre A, Sponne I, Leininger-Muller B, Olivier JL, Pillot T, Oster T. Docosahexaenoic acid prevents neuronal apoptosis induced by soluble amyloid-beta oligomers. 2006, J. Neurochem. 96(2):385-95.