Averting a Late-life Crisis: Midlife ApoE2 Clears Plaques in Mice
Changing ApoE levels in midlife influences Aβ pathology in mice, supporting an ApoE-oriented therapeutic strategy in Alzheimer’s disease.
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Changing ApoE levels in midlife influences Aβ pathology in mice, supporting an ApoE-oriented therapeutic strategy in Alzheimer’s disease.
Sleeping in an MRI scanner, babies with ApoE4 genotype reveal myelination and structural differences in brain areas affected in people with Alzheimer’s disease.
Allegations of falsified data embroil Japanese ADNI; project leaders respond that data corrections followed quality-control procedures.
Researchers identify a transcription factor that protects neurons during normal aging but goes AWOL in Alzheimer’s brains.
A single dose of a commonly prescribed antidepressant suppresses Aβ production in the human central nervous system.
Plenty of genetic risk factors for sporadic ALS are still waiting to be found, according to a new meta-analysis of GWAS data.
Mutated huntingtin may stow away in synaptic vesicles to sneak from one neuron to another.
A man lacking ApoE appears to have no cognitive deficits, and his brain and CSF biomarker profiles appear normal. Some claim the findings support ApoE as a rational drug target for AD.
Brain extracts from AD patients, but not their cerebrospinal fluid, contain exceedingly potent Aβ seeds that survive formaldehyde treatment. The findings further implicate Aβ in prion-like pathology.
People with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s have higher levels of orexin, a neuropeptide that keeps people awake, a study reports. The findings solidify links between orexin and sleep disturbances associated with the disease.
Two trials suggest that a fixed combination of a cough medicine and a cardiac arrhythmia medicine might treat agitation and quiet emotional outbursts in people with Alzheimer’s.
Roughly at its halfway point, a trial of a therapeutic Aβ antibody is over. Data aren’t out yet, but scientists suspect gantenerumab may have been dosed based on safety, too low to achieve an efficacious dose in the brain.
Scientists are finding how calcium dysregulation in mouse models of Alzheimer’s shrivels synapses and impairs neural plasticity, with effects that extend to the network level.
Imaging technique borrowed from cancer care shows that leaks are worse in people who are cognitively impaired.
Two studies suggest that the anti-inflammatory interleukin-10 prevents efficient plaque clearance and worsens AD-like pathology in mice.
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