Map of Human Vascular Expression Highlights its Potential Role in Alzheimer’s
The first detailed look at expression profiles in blood vessels of the human brain identifies new cell subtypes. These cells express 30 of the top 45 AD risk genes.
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The first detailed look at expression profiles in blood vessels of the human brain identifies new cell subtypes. These cells express 30 of the top 45 AD risk genes.
The APP/PS1 double knock-ins begin to deposit amyloid in the brain by 3 months of age.
The iPSC Neurodegenerative Disease Initiative is creating 100+ isogenic cell lines. Each carries a different risk variant for Alzheimer's or a related dementia. Scientists around the world can obtain the cells through Jackson Labs.
Machine learning analysis of 912 PET scans says neurofibrillary tangles spread through the AD brain in one of four distinct patterns.
The fewer their meningeal lymphatic vessels, the slower treated mice clear plaques. Lymphatic dysfunction also drives microglial activation, hinting at a role in pathology.
People who develop Type 2 diabetes before age 60 have more than double the dementia risk, and earlier dementia onset, than those without diabetes.
Incorporation of a cryptic exon scuttles translation of UNC13A, but only in neurons lacking nuclear TDP-43. UNC13A ALS/FTD risk variants exacerbate the aberrant splicing.
A new trial will compare digital and blood-based biomarkers to amyloid PET scans in order to learn which ones best pick out early plaque accumulation.
In postmortem brain, proteins involved in all manner of vesicular functions waxed or waned with increasing phases of disease, starting years prior to symptoms.
Instead of chewing up and disposing of the amyloid they ingest, microglia appear to compact it, then spit it back out as dense-core plaque.
Sending low-intensity, gamma frequency electric current through the brain boosted short-term memory, perhaps by increasing cholinergic transmission.
Herpes infection upped risk in ApoE4 carriers, damaged brain tissue, and correlated with neurodegeneration markers in the CSF.
Disruption of the membraneless organelles may explain toxicity of tau aggregates.
In cell culture, neurons with the strongest expression of cell-cycle proteins survived best in the presence of Aβ oligomers.
In early stage trials, light and sound promoted neuronal communication, calmed immune cells, and slowed brain atrophy, but cognitive benefit remains unclear.
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