Janet Johnston (240.16) presented a detailed study of the effect of proteasome and prolendopeptidase (PEP) inhibitors on Aβ production by SH SY 5Y human neuroblastoma cells stably transfected with SPA4CT (C99)...
Treatment of human cerebovascular smooth muscle (HCSM) cells with Aβ1-42 or AβQ22 (a mutant associated with hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis-Dutch type) leads to the formation of ...
Papassotiropoulos (1201) began his presentation by reviewing the evidence for a role of cathepsin D, an aspartyl protease, in AD. Previous work has implicated catD as a secretase in the cleavage of APP...
One of the limitations in studying the pathogenic role of amyloid plaque deposition is the fact that conventional methods allow microscopic analysis only of postmortem tissue, which can provide...
Sukanto Sinha, departing from his abstract (122.1), described the purification and partial characterization of a novel 501 amino acid long aspartyl protease, The data were entirely consistent with the...
Just when it appeared as though the mechanisms of the proteolytic processing of APP were finally becoming apparent, Andreas Weidemann presented an elegant study demonstrating the existence of a different processing event...
Using difluoroketone peptidomimetics previously shown to reversibly inhibit γ-secretase activity in CHO cells, Michael Wolfe reported that increasing the bulkiness of the P1 substituent...
In testing the hypothesis that unscheduled cell death may alter APP processing, Andrea Le Blanc (122.4) provided compelling evidence that caspase 6 can directly cleave APP...
Recent studies have demonstrated that wild-type APP can protect against p53 mediated apoptosis, whereas FAD mutant APP (FADAPP) cannot. N3 rat neuroblastoma cells which are deficient in APP were transfected with wtAPP or FADAPP...
Previous studies on the purification and characterization of the predominant extracellular Aβ degrading activity in the murine BV-2 microglial cell line demonstrated that insulin-degrading enzyme...
The N- and C-terminals of synthetic Aβ1-42 were differentially labeled with 3H and 14C and then used as a probe to measure degradation by injection into rat hippocampus...
That β-amyloid plays a central role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease is doubted by few investigators. However, pinning down the exact contribution amyloid makes has been remarkably difficult to accomplish...
It is likely that a process very reminiscent of that suggested for Aβ formation—fibrillar protein deposition—is to blame for the rare, inherited disorder Familial British Dementia (FBD)...