Plaques Kick Neocortical Neurons into Overdrive, Entangling Tau
A new study casts neuronal hyperexcitability as the link between Aβ aggregation in the neocortex and tau pathology in the medial temporal lobe.
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A new study casts neuronal hyperexcitability as the link between Aβ aggregation in the neocortex and tau pathology in the medial temporal lobe.
In AD brain, microglia make less of the full-length protein. Loss of INPP5D releases the brakes on inflammation, and may spur microglial phagocytosis.
The patient, an APOE4 homozygote with severe cerebral amyloid angiopathy, developed vascular inflammation and bleeding throughout her brain.
Growth-associated protein 43 in the CSF identified people who accumulated tangles fastest. These spread through connected brain regions.
In CD8+ T cells and monocytes, DNA was more accessible in people with AD and even more so in ApoE4 carriers.
ApoE2 reported as raising risk for progressive supranuclear palsy, a rare tauopathy.
Topline results showed no statistically significant slowing of decline on either of two primary endpoints. Trends across multiple endpoints favored crenezumab.
Biogen researchers claim the antibody worked in people who got enough of it. To other researchers, the signal validates the amyloid hypothesis and injects fresh energy into the field. But is this interrupted dataset enough to approve?
An interim analysis predicted the antibody would not slow Alzheimer’s progression; a crenezumab trial in autosomal-dominant AD is continuing.
A meta-analysis of 2.8 million people estimates 119 in 100,000 develop dementia before age 64—twice the previous estimates. Prevalence increases with age and strikes men and women equally.
In mice with prion disease, microglia shifted from gobbling up misfolded protein to engulfing flagging neurons. This change coincided with symptom onset.
Building on results in AD mouse models, researchers now report that immune checkpoint inhibitors reduce pathology and improve cognition in tauopathy mice, too. Other scientists are skeptical.
The fateful pairing may happen in microglial lysosomes, where ApoE forms fibrillar aggregates.
The decade-long trial found no benefit for solanezumab in delaying progression, but laid the groundwork for subsequent prevention studies.
According to a structural analysis, fluorescently tagged tau fragments cannot form paired helical filaments. This suggests the assay does not measure prion-like propagation.
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