PD Studies Suggest Motor Cortex as Treatment Target
A spinal cord procedure less invasive than those that deliver epidural anesthesia can restore locomotion in two rodent models of Parkinson disease...
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A spinal cord procedure less invasive than those that deliver epidural anesthesia can restore locomotion in two rodent models of Parkinson disease...
In this series, ARF takes stock of deep-brain stimulation after more than a decade of life-altering procedures...
Parkinson disease researchers can ring in the new year with a pair of high-profile studies...
Compared with decades past, the clinical pipeline for investigational Alzheimer disease therapies is ready to burst...
Researchers are finding that Aβ and tau revolve more closely around each other than they had thought...
In their quest to offer treatment trials to families with autosomal-dominant AD, the scientists driving the DIAN have cleared the next hurdles...
The Alzheimer Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) is the largest AD study the National Institutes of Health have ever funded...
New data from several independent studies suggest using neural stem cells to patch wide swaths of failing brain circuitry in AD may have a fighting chance...
The misfolded enzyme that causes some kinds of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis poisons motor neurons by plugging up pores in their mitochondria...
When an anatomist first proposed that Parkinson’s disease begins in the gut, then slowly makes its way to the brain, his idea might have sounded like fiction...
Kathleen Sibelius announced the 12 non-federal members who will serve on the Advisory Council on Alzheimer’s Research, Care, and Services...
Hope that thiazolidinedione agonists of PPARγ will prove beneficial for Alzheimer's patients (see <a href="/res/for/journal/galea/default.asp">ARF recent live discussion</a>) may be tempered slightly by a report...
PPARγ has received a lot of attention from neuroscientists lately. Now, ablation of one of its partners, PGC-1α, has been found to cause...
Having diabetes seems to drive up risk for dementia, including Alzheimer disease, but the jury has been out as to how this occurs...
Scientists report that people who undergo gastric bypass surgery to lose weight have lower levels of several AD-related proteins in their blood six months later...
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