Aβ Elevated in Endothelin Converting Enzyme Knockouts
In the December 2 online Journal of Biological Chemistry, researchers extend to mice earlier in-vitro observations linking Aβ degradation to the activity of endothelin converting enzyme (ECE)...
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In the December 2 online Journal of Biological Chemistry, researchers extend to mice earlier in-vitro observations linking Aβ degradation to the activity of endothelin converting enzyme (ECE)...
A report in next week's PNAS adds to the growing evidence that insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE), or insulysin, plays a role in the degradation of amyloid-β (Aβ)...
Aβ immunotherapists are back at the drawing board after inflammatory complications scuttled the first clinical trial...
In an advanced online publication in this week's Nature Medicine, doctors report the first autopsy of a patient enrolled in trials for the ill-fated Alzheimer's disease (AD) vaccine...
Transthyretin, like Aβ, is capable of forming amyloid fibrils, and can lead to systemic amyloidosis in families who have inherited particularly fibrillogenic forms of the protein...
In today's Nature journals online, two articles provide new insights and new hope for the treatment of Parkinson's disease...
A new MAO-B inhibitor, rasagiline, proved safe and about as effective as the existing drug, selegiline, in ameliorating symptoms of early Parkinson's. What about its use in Alzheimer's with Parkinsonism?
The European Union's Committee of Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP) has recently recommended that the EU approve <a href="/therapeutics">memantine</a> for the treatment of moderately severe to severe Alzheimer's disease...
In a sparsely attended slide presentation yesterday at the Neuroscience meeting, <strong>Inez Vincent</strong> of the University of Washington, Seattle, presented a feat no one seems to have pulled off before...
The more scientists learn about γ-secretase, the crazier it looks to them...
Two papers in the 25 September Neuron move axonal transport squarely into the limelight of research on triplet-repeat (or polyQ) diseases, including Huntington’s...
An advanced online publication in today’s Nature Neuroscience lends support to the hypothesis that mitochondrial damage contributes to the progression of Huntington’s disease...
Nearly four years ago, Steven Paul and coworkers published a provocative paper that showed...
While the amyloid hypothesis—that aggregates of Aβ peptide are the primary pathogen in AD—drives much of Alzheimer's disease research, it remains controversial...
One of the hallmarks of sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD) are Lewy bodies (LB), neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions that contain ubiquitinated proteins. Recently researchers have focused on two key LB components, the 16 kDa α-synuclein, and the ubiquitin-ligase parkin...
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