Tau Modification Drugs Take a Hit with Negative Trial
Lilly’s Phase 2 trial of its O-GlcNAcase inhibitor ceperognastat failed to meet clinical endpoints. The drug’s adverse events suggest potential off-target effects.
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Lilly’s Phase 2 trial of its O-GlcNAcase inhibitor ceperognastat failed to meet clinical endpoints. The drug’s adverse events suggest potential off-target effects.
Bepranemab results bolster hopes for antibodies targeting tau’s middle section. Whether tangle clearance will improve clinical outcomes remains unclear.
ARIA rates have been the same or lower than in the Phase 3 trial. About 9,000 people are being treated in the U.S., half as many in Japan. EMA reverses course, recommending approval.
Trontinemab Data Strengthen Hope for Brain Shuttles Donanemab: Small Tweak in Titration, Big Gain in Safety? Leqembi: Side Effects No Worse in Clinical Use Than They Were in Trial Finally, Therapeutic Antibodies Start to Reduce Tangles Tau Modification Dr
By starting at a low dose and upping it stepwise for four months, scientists nearly halved the risk of ARIA while preserving plaque clearance.
Trontinemab swooped into the brain and removed amyloid efficiently, while causing few cases of ARIA. One person with cerebrovascular pathology died.
Modeling and recombinant protein chemistry suggest that strings of phosphate worm their way through the fibrils. Proof is still needed.
Albala died suddenly while celebrating his 40th wedding anniversary.
Neurons with TMEM106B aggregates lose nuclear TDP-43 in ALS models. In tauopathy models, they accumulate no p-tau.
The fateful pairing may happen in microglial lysosomes, where ApoE forms fibrillar aggregates.
In certain regions of the brain, microglia internalize proteins from the plasma. At least one of them—ApoA-I—supports microglial phagocytosis.
Combining isotopic labeling and transcriptomics, scientists found that mature plaques in mice wreaked more havoc on surrounding synapses than immature ones.
Glia need exactly the right amount of tau for lipid droplets to bud from the endoplasmic reticulum. The droplets soak up toxic lipids spilled by stressed neurons.
In a head-to-head comparison with aducanumab, gantenerumab, and donanemab, lecanemab had the highest affinity, especially for smaller aggregates.
In two hospital systems, people who received heparin were diagnosed with AD a year later than people who never took the anticoagulant.