Is Alzheimer's an Autoimmune Disease?
very happy with your results. A very interesting paper, indeed. Monica Carson I would not advocate
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very happy with your results. A very interesting paper, indeed. Monica Carson I would not advocate
mechanisms driving this (we elaborated on this in our TINS paper last year; see Cotman and Berchtold, 2002).
Trojanowski If you look at recent work from Goedert and Crowther in PNAS, you will find their paper with
papers details potential benefits of the cholinesterase inhibitors, with the data for each being
paper from Herrup's lab also found that all cases with mild cognitive impairment that were tested
a question growing right out of his Nature Medicine paper. Many people probably wonder if soluble Receptor
recently. Peter Klein Scott, we published a paper recently in JBC on PP1 dephosphorylation of serine
in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, which is making the full text (.pdf) of these papers
molecule as a recent (Apr 18) Science paper mentions and the article by Charlie Glabe of 1994
years ago there was a Nature Cell Biology paper showing knockout phenotypes with RNAi very early in
Gary Landreth The only data on BBB permeability is contained within a paper on pioglitazone published
it is a possibility (see related ARF news story). Changiz Geula Gunnar, in your paper you mention
transport must be important. Gabrielle, check out the recent paper in Nature showing protection by statins
Orlando, I suppose... I have read your recent paper, Chris, and am excited to have you join us. Chris Link
situation may be more complex than that. In fact, a recent Cell paper (Baek et al.) suggests additional
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