β Amyloid Degradation: The Forgotten Half of Alzheimer's Disease
thanks.. I was just looking at an older Selkoe paper concluding IDE mostly works extracellularly. Gabrielle
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thanks.. I was just looking at an older Selkoe paper concluding IDE mostly works extracellularly. Gabrielle
die but without forming NFT. (paper under review). Craig Atwood: Inez, for amyloid in Niemann-Pick
Larry, how do you connect your cytoplasmic events with nuclear events? (See related paper.) To be more
Hiroko, Marc is not the only one who has done work on this. I believe there are over 30 papers on the
a longer answer; check our papers and I will talk with you about that answer later. Bye. Kiminobu Sugaya:
cardiovascular disease. Every paper has a different angle. Mark Mattson: {enters} Hello, did everyone take their
paper. Pascale Lacor: Gabrielle: Steve Paul's and Dave Holtzman's groups have a paper today
Pasinetti: We recently submitted a paper suggesting that the overexpression in the brain of COX-2 transgenic
Frangione, New York University Comment and ARF Exchange on paper by Frenkel et al. Transcript: Live
discussion paper "Previous attempts to treat AD with antioxidants or iron chelation have been
described in the Farrer paper (Farrer et al., 2001) is a partially active mutant as described in our Nature
Mesulam, 1999; Lue et al, 1999; Koudinov et al, 2001.) Also, a recent paper by a Scottish group (White, et
gonadotrophin levels under any circumstances. A paper on ovariectomy effects on Ab load in transgenic mice is in
Live discussion and panel of participants scheduled for 7 September 2001. Summary: "Ca2+ deficit" hypothesis Summary: "Natural origin" hypothesis for plaques and tangles The live chat and panel of participants scheduled for 7 Septe
pre-medline is out! June: I can live with that. Colin Masters: Just review the last hundred papers. Msmith:
Have a topic idea for a webinar? We would love to hear it. Send an email to webinars [at] alzforum [dot] org.