Beta-Catenin and PS1
signalling. I thought that we might open the forum with a brief discussion about why papers have demonstrated
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signalling. I thought that we might open the forum with a brief discussion about why papers have demonstrated
Dean? William Klein: Let me start by saying how much I enjoyed the paper by Dean et al. A good read.
postmortem? Luciano: We reported in our JAD paper the isolation of AID-like peptides from the brains of normal
Dr.Thinakaran, firstly we should show what is the problem between our paper and Sato's paper (Nature Cell
Mesulam, 1999; Lue et al, 1999; Koudinov et al, 2001.) Also, a recent paper by a Scottish group (White, et
a longer answer; check our papers and I will talk with you about that answer later. Bye. Kiminobu Sugaya:
Hiroko, Marc is not the only one who has done work on this. I believe there are over 30 papers on the
Larry, how do you connect your cytoplasmic events with nuclear events? (See related paper.) To be more
Orlando, I suppose... I have read your recent paper, Chris, and am excited to have you join us. Chris Link
years ago there was a Nature Cell Biology paper showing knockout phenotypes with RNAi very early in
in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, which is making the full text (.pdf) of these papers
papers details potential benefits of the cholinesterase inhibitors, with the data for each being
not all present here today have had a chance to read your latest paper yet. Everyone, while Stefan is
Neurology paper we reported that the side effects were not remarkable. Previously, clioquinol (CQ) was
Rao, are you as depressed as I am about those two Nature papers that just came out showing a failure of
Have a topic idea for a webinar? We would love to hear it. Send an email to webinars [at] alzforum [dot] org.