Resolving Controversies on the Path to AD Therapeutics
in the Phase 3 trial. However, I also refer to our Nature Reviews Drug Development paper, where I lay
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in the Phase 3 trial. However, I also refer to our Nature Reviews Drug Development paper, where I lay
inactivation. Vikram Khurana Dohoon, Li-Huei, congratulations on the great paper! Cdk5 seems to be a central
LP, etc.)? A: This is published in the Nature Rev Neurol paper (see Blennow et al., 2010). Q: We are
(mediated by gene expression differences as shown so well in this paper) to different insults. Once we
Searching for the wherewithal to push on with your work on a promising new Alzheimer therapy? The NIH offers funding for research support at every step of the process, from early drug discovery right through to phase 3 clinical trials, if you know where t
Brewer Yong, we have two recent papers that show major effects of TNFR1 and R2 with age in old rat
As Tolstoy wrote in Anna Karenina, “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” The same might be said of the brain. Normal brains look and behave similarly, but those affected by different neurodegenerative diseases are
Gary Landreth The only data on BBB permeability is contained within a paper on pioglitazone published
all papers reporting the effects of aggregated proteins clearly state the exact source of the protein,
paper from Herrup's lab also found that all cases with mild cognitive impairment that were tested
reported in the paper (you can download a copy of this and other relevant papers). The mouse findings were
When two biological networks as complex as the nervous and immune systems cross paths, you know the interaction is not going to be simple. Add in neurodegeneration—such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis—and it creates a web that will take many scientists t
correct. Mark Smith Phyllis, I have read in several papers otherwise...we should discuss. Sam Gandy I was
Trojanowski If you look at recent work from Goedert and Crowther in PNAS, you will find their paper with
described in the Farrer paper (Farrer et al., 2001) is a partially active mutant as described in our Nature
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