RNAi in Neurodegenerative Diseases—What's the Therapeutic Potential?
years ago there was a Nature Cell Biology paper showing knockout phenotypes with RNAi very early in
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years ago there was a Nature Cell Biology paper showing knockout phenotypes with RNAi very early in
Searching for the wherewithal to push on with your work on a promising new Alzheimer therapy? The NIH offers funding for research support at every step of the process, from early drug discovery right through to phase 3 clinical trials, if you know where t
Have you been waiting for a quick yet reliable test for early dementia? The AD8 might be your answer. The interview-based screening tool detects early cognitive impairment, has been validated against the clinical dementia rating scale and against neuropsy
1985)? Bruce Kagan David, I'm not familiar with this paper. Do you think it might be evidence of Aβ
As Tolstoy wrote in Anna Karenina, “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” The same might be said of the brain. Normal brains look and behave similarly, but those affected by different neurodegenerative diseases are
We invite you to participate in this Forum Discussion with Yong Shen (Sun Health Research Institute). This discussion will not be hosted via our live discussion software. Instead, we will develop written exchanges between our participants and Yong Shen. T
We invite you to participate in this "offline" Forum Discussion led by Brian Balin (Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine). This discussion will extend our previously held live discussion on the Pathogen Hypothesis of Alzheimer Disease. T
Gunnar Gouras led this live discussion on 16 May 2000. Readers are invited to submit additional comments by using our Comments form at the bottom of the page. Transcript: Live discussion held 16 May 2000. Participants: Bruce Yankner, Huaxi Xu, Austin Ya
When two biological networks as complex as the nervous and immune systems cross paths, you know the interaction is not going to be simple. Add in neurodegeneration—such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis—and it creates a web that will take many scientists t
We invite you to participate in this Forum Discussion with Matt Mattson (National Institute on Aging). This discussion will not be hosted via our live discussion software. Forum discussions invite written exchanges between our participants and the discuss
We invite you to participate in this "offline" Forum discussion led by Vincent Marchesi of Yale University. Coming from a different research field, Marchesi has in recent years followed the AD literature as closely as have few other outside obse
Live discussion and panel of participants scheduled for 7 September 2001. Summary: "Ca2+ deficit" hypothesis Summary: "Natural origin" hypothesis for plaques and tangles The live chat and panel of participants scheduled for 7 Septe
Have a topic idea for a webinar? We would love to hear it. Send an email to webinars [at] alzforum [dot] org.