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3 Models

Name Other Names Strain Name Genetic Background Gene Mutation Modification Info Modification Disease Neuropathology Behavior/Cognition Other Phenotype Availability Primary Paper Visualization
Mouse Models (3)
APPSw/Ind/Arc, APPSwedish/Indiana/Arctic, hAPP Arc line Inbred C57BL/6 APP APP K670_M671delinsNL (Swedish), APP V717F (Indiana), APP E693G (Arctic) A human APP minigene with the Swedish, Indiana, and Arctic mutations driven by the platelet-derived growth factor β-chain promoter. APP: Transgenic Alzheimer's Disease, Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Parenchymal neuritic plaques by 2 months accompanied by dystrophic neurites. Prominent hippocampal Aβ deposition by 3-4 months. Relatively low Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio. Comparable cerebrovascular amyloid deposition to J20. At 3-4 months the Arc48 mouse was able to learn a task involving escape to a cued platform in the Morris water maze, but had an impaired ability to use extramaze cues to navigate to the hidden platform. Premature lethality. Trend toward hyperactivity. Reduced calbindin and Fos levels in the dentate gyrus. Cryopreserved. Contact Lennart Mucke Cheng et al., 2004 Yes
hAPP695Indiana, elan mouse, PDAPP, PD-APP C57B6 x DBA2 APP APP V717F (Indiana) A PDGF-driven human APP minigene with the V717F (Indiana) mutation. The construct contained APP introns 6-8 allowing alternative splicing of exons 7 and 8. APP: Transgenic Alzheimer's Disease Amyloid plaques in the hippocampus, cerebral cortex. Gliosis. Dystrophic neurites. Decreased synaptic and dendritic density in the hippocampus. Deficits in a variety of memory paradigms from a young age. Deficits in the radial arm maze at 3 months (before plaques), object recognition, operant learning, spatial reference memory (starting at 3-4 months), cued fear conditioning at 11 months. Alterations in sleep/wake states, thermoregulation, and motor activity.   Unknown Games et al., 1995, Rockenstein et al., 1995 Yes
APP(Swedish,Indiana), line J9, hAPPJ9, hAPPlow C57BL/6 APP APP K670_M671delinsNL (Swedish), APP V717F (Indiana) Transgene expresses human APP with the Swedish (K670N/M671L) and Indiana (V717F) mutations under the control of the human platelet derived growth factor-β (PDGF-β) promoter. APP: Transgenic Alzheimer's Disease Amyloid plaques at 8-10 months, but not at 2-4 months when deficits in synaptic transmission are observed. Approximately 20% of mice had plaques at 5-7 months, 50% at 8-10 months, and 100% by 21-25 months. Unknown. Deficits in synaptic transmission at 2-4 months, prior to amyloid deposition. Available through Lennart Mucke Hsia et al., 1999 No

2 Visualizations

AD-related Research Models

Phenotypes Examined

  • Plaques
  • Tangles
  • Neuronal Loss
  • Gliosis
  • Synaptic Loss
  • Changes in LTP/LTD
  • Cognitive Impairment

When visualized, these phenotypes will distributed over a 18 month timeline demarcated at the following intervals: 3mo, 6mo, 9mo, 1yr, 15mo, 18mo+.

Arc48 (APPSw/Ind/Arc)

  1. X
    Plaques at 9

    Parenchymal neuritic plaques by 2 months with prominent plaque deposition in the hippocampus by 3-4 months. Abundant mature thioflavin-S positive plaques with dystrophic neurites by 10-12 months (Cheng et al., 2007).

  2. X
    Gliosis at 13

    Reactive astrocytosis at 3-4 months in the dentate gyrus as demonstrated by GFAP immunoreactivity (Cheng et al., 2007).

  3. X
    Cognitive Impairment at 13

    At 3-4 months the Arc48 mouse was able to learn a task involving escape to a cued platform in the Morris water maze, but were impaired in the ability to use extramaze cues to navigate to the hidden platform (Cheng et al., 2007).

  • Tangles at


No Data
  • Neuronal Loss at


  • Synaptic Loss at


  • Changes in LTP/LTD at


Genes Mutations Modification Disease Neuropathology Behavior/Cognition
APP APP K670_M671delinsNL (Swedish), APP V717F (Indiana), APP E693G (Arctic) APP: Transgenic Alzheimer's Disease, Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy

Parenchymal neuritic plaques by 2 months accompanied by dystrophic neurites. Prominent hippocampal Aβ deposition by 3-4 months. Relatively low Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio. Comparable cerebrovascular amyloid deposition to J20.

At 3-4 months the Arc48 mouse was able to learn a task involving escape to a cued platform in the Morris water maze, but had an impaired ability to use extramaze cues to navigate to the hidden platform.



  1. X
    Plaques at 26

    In heterozygous mice no plaque pathology at 4-6 months. At 6-9 months mice begin to exhibit deposits of human Aβ in the hippocampus, corpus callosum, and cerebral cortex. Plaques become more extensive with age and vary in size and structure including diffuse irregular plaques and compact cored plaques (Games et al., 1995).

  2. X
    Gliosis at 26

    GFAP-positive astrocytes and activated microglia associated with plaques (Games et al., 1995).

  3. X
    Synaptic Loss at 35

    Decreased synaptic density in the dentate gyrus as measured by synaptophysin immunoreactivity. Also decreased dendritic density as measured by MAP2 immunoreactivity (Games et al., 1995).

  4. X
    Changes in LTP/LTD at 17

    Alterations in LTP induced by theta burst stimulation at 4-5 months which is prior to plaque formation; although the potentiation immediately after TBS was comparable to control mice, the potentiation decayed more rapidly in PDAPP mice. Also paired pulse facilitation was enhanced. Responses to high frequency stimulation bursts were distorted (Larson et al., 1999).

  5. X
    Cognitive Impairment at 13

    Deficits in a variety of memory paradigms from a young age. Robust deficits in the radial arm maze at 3 months (deficits appear before amyloid plaque deposits). Object recognition, 6, 9-10 months. Operant learning, 3, 6 months (Dodart et al., 1999).

  • Tangles at

    No paired helical filaments or aggregates, but phosphorylated tau immunoreactivity is observed in dystrophic neurites after 14 months (Masliah et al., 2001).

  • Neuronal Loss at


No Data
Genes Mutations Modification Disease Neuropathology Behavior/Cognition
APP APP V717F (Indiana) APP: Transgenic Alzheimer's Disease

Amyloid plaques in the hippocampus, cerebral cortex. Gliosis. Dystrophic neurites. Decreased synaptic and dendritic density in the hippocampus.

Deficits in a variety of memory paradigms from a young age. Deficits in the radial arm maze at 3 months (before plaques), object recognition, operant learning, spatial reference memory (starting at 3-4 months), cued fear conditioning at 11 months.
