Research Models


Species: Mouse
Genes: APOE
Modification: APOE: Transgenic
Disease Relevance: Alzheimer's Disease
Strain Name: N/A
Genetic Background: Origin: C57BL/6J; backcrossed with murine APOE-null mice
Availability: Available through Robert Mahley

Modification Details

APOE3 minigene consisting of part of the untranslated exon 1, the first intron, and the first 6 bp of exon 2 from the human APOE gene, a fragment of human APOE cDNA contributing the entire APOE coding region, and a genomic segment representing exon 4 noncoding sequence and 112 bp of 3' untranslated region including the polyadenylation signal. There was a base change in exon 4 encoding cysteine (C) in APOE3 at amino acid position 112. The NSE-APOE transgene was injected into ICR one-cell embryos. The NSE-APOE3 line was crossed with APOE-/- mice (Taconic #APOE-M) to eliminate wild-type APOE alleles. After two generations the transgenic mice were crossed with APOE-/- mice (Jackson Labs: Stock# 2052) to generate NSE-APOE3 mice that were at least 75% C57BL/6J.


Human ApoE3 protected against the age-dependent neurodegeneration seen in APOE-/- mice.

Other Phenotypes

Neuronal ApoE expression is widespread in the brain. Expression of ApoE3 protected against kainic acid-induced neuronal damage, specifically loss of synaptophysin-positive presynaptic terminals and  MAP2-positive neuronal dendrites in the neocortex and hippocampus, and reduced disruption of neurofilament-positive axons in the hippocampus.


Available though Robert Mahley.

Last Updated: 06 Mar 2018


  1. Experiments involving Tg mice with human gene without the mouse gene will increasingly yeild more clear data like this paper.

    View all comments by Hiroshi Mori

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Other Citations

  1. Robert Mahley

External Citations

  1. Taconic #APOE-M
  2. Jackson Labs: Stock# 2052

Further Reading


  1. . Expression of human apolipoprotein E3 or E4 in the brains of Apoe-/- mice: isoform-specific effects on neurodegeneration. J Neurosci. 1999 Jun 15;19(12):4867-80. PubMed. Correction.
  2. . Increased tau phosphorylation in apolipoprotein E4 transgenic mice is associated with activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase: modulation by zinc. J Biol Chem. 2004 Oct 22;279(43):44795-801. PubMed.
  3. . Neuron-specific apolipoprotein e4 proteolysis is associated with increased tau phosphorylation in brains of transgenic mice. J Neurosci. 2004 Mar 10;24(10):2527-34. PubMed.
  4. . Dominant negative effects of apolipoprotein E4 revealed in transgenic models of neurodegenerative disease. Neuroscience. 2000;97(2):207-10. PubMed.