. Synaptotoxic effects of extracellular tau are mediated by its microtubule-binding region. 2025 Feb 24 10.1101/2025.02.21.639417 (version 1) bioRxiv.


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  1. This study investigated what tau species are capable of inducing synaptotoxicity, by measuring LTP in rats injected with AD brain extracts or with secretomes of iPSC-derived neurons from individuals with Down’s syndrome. The study design includes the immunodepletion or co-injection with any of five anti-tau antibodies targeting: tau’s mid-region (218-225, Tau5); the microtubule binding region (MTBR) and the adjacent pseudo repeat (referred as MTBR/R’) (369-381, Gen2B); another MTBR/R’ (396-410, Gen2A); the MTBR to C-terminal wide region (243-441, K9JA-polyclonal); and the C-terminal region (404-441, Tau46).

    Briefly, whereas immunodepletion or co-injection with most of the antibodies attenuated LTP inhibition induced by the secretomes or AD brain extracts, only Tau46 targeting the extreme C-terminal region (404-441) was ineffective. That Tau46 did not rescue rat LTP is consistent with recent reports, including of tau-FRET aggregation rescued by several antibodies (Islam et al., 2025), and tau-filament formation with various length of recombinant tau (Lövestam et al., 2022), that propose the extreme C-terminal region of tau protects against tau aggregation.

    Although the authors suggested MTBR/R’-containing and related fragments may be potent species to induce synaptotoxicity in this manuscript, it must be noted that the tau profiles in media from iPSC-derived neurons and brain extracts are different from the tau profiles in human extracellular space. Therefore, further studies would be necessary before potential therapeutics, especially immunotherapy, related to MTBR/R' could be considered.


    . Phospho-tau serine-262 and serine-356 as biomarkers of pre-tangle soluble tau assemblies in Alzheimer's disease. Nat Med. 2025 Feb;31(2):574-588. Epub 2025 Feb 10 PubMed.

    . Assembly of recombinant tau into filaments identical to those of Alzheimer's disease and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Elife. 2022 Mar 4;11 PubMed.

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This paper appears in the following:


  1. Fragments of Tau’s Microtubule Binding Region Mess with Synapses