. Sleep deprivation exacerbates microglial reactivity and Aβ deposition in a TREM2-dependent manner in mice. Sci Transl Med. 2023 Apr 26;15(693):eade6285. PubMed.


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  1. This study is truly remarkable. There was already evidence from other research groups that sleep loss is associated with greater amyloid pathology. However, their study indicates that, independently of the vulnerability to develop amyloid plaques, sleep impairs TREM-dependent microglial functions, which can increase not only the risk to develop Alzheimer’s disease but also many other disorders.

    Interestingly, their findings were observed in young mice, suggesting that sleep loss and the associated impaired microglial functions could play an important role early in life and predispose some individuals to develop certain diseases. This suggests that preventive disease strategies must include an adequate regulation of sleep from a young age on, which will involve making changes in healthcare and clinical practice. 

    View all comments by Joana Pereira

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This paper appears in the following:


  1. In Tired Mice, TREM2 Addles Microglia