I think it is unlikely that plasma NfL will be useful as a longitudinal indicator of treatment response in AD studies any time soon. While it is intriguing that this blood marker does reflect, to some extent, neurodegeneration, it is not a particularly robust measure and it would be difficult to put much weight on treatment effects. On the other hand, plasma NfL could be useful in the effort to prescreen individuals for more expensive tools, such as amyloid and tau PET scans, used to select individuals for early intervention trials.
USC Alzheimer’s Therapeutic Research Institute
I think it is unlikely that plasma NfL will be useful as a longitudinal indicator of treatment response in AD studies any time soon. While it is intriguing that this blood marker does reflect, to some extent, neurodegeneration, it is not a particularly robust measure and it would be difficult to put much weight on treatment effects. On the other hand, plasma NfL could be useful in the effort to prescreen individuals for more expensive tools, such as amyloid and tau PET scans, used to select individuals for early intervention trials.
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University of Gothenburg
University of Goteborg, Sahlgrenska University Hospital