. Multiple sclerosis: re-expression of a developmental pathway that restricts oligodendrocyte maturation. Nat Med. 2002 Oct;8(10):1115-21. PubMed.


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  1. The two recent papers published in Science showing an apparent connection between A beta and tau pathologies in transgenic mice models are interesting. However, neither paper reports the effect of a positive control. In both cases a combination of two possible stressors has resulted in a final pathology that is greater than would be expected from the sum of these stressors. However, this is nothing new or even unexpected. It would be new if the resultant pathology could only be reproduced using this combination of stressors. This does not appear to have been tested. The possibility that the observed effects might be explained as a non-specific interaction between 2 co-occurring stressors would explain the lack of similarity of the resulting pathology with that observed in AD. Just a thought.

    View all comments by Chris Exley

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  1. Notch Pathway Implicated in Multiple Sclerosis