. Monitoring disease activity in multiple sclerosis using serum neurofilament light protein. Neurology. 2017 Nov 28;89(22):2230-2237. Epub 2017 Oct 27 PubMed.


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  1. The study of NfL in autosomal-dominant AD (ADAD) provides exciting preliminary evidence supporting this as a progression marker. The effect size was much more impressive in symptomatic patients than in preclinical carriers, and it will be interesting to see how within-subject longitudinal serum or plasma NfL changes over time. In principle, this may provide one way to help monitor a therapeutic intervention that slows down neurodegeneration.

    The study in MS takes monitoring of progression and of therapeutic intervention one step further, because of the availability of longitudinal plasma samples. The data overall support the use of NfL in the early stages of relapsing-remitting MS and in progressive MS, across groups of patients, and showed a beneficial effect of induction of disease-modifying therapy. It will be interesting to see how well NfL may behave as a way to monitor individual patients with MS, particularly in comparison to serial MRI.

    View all comments by Douglas Galasko
  2. This is very interesting, but what is the underlying mechanism?

    Why NfL? Why not other neurofilament components? There must be answers.

    View all comments by Takaomi Saido

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