Cohen-Armon M, Visochek L, Katzoff A, Levitan D, Susswein AJ, Klein R, Valbrun M, Schwartz JH.
Long-term memory requires polyADP-ribosylation.
Science. 2004 Jun 18;304(5678):1820-2.
The credit should also be shared with my colleagues at Bar-Ilan University, Israel, who helped me in testing my hypothesis that PARP has a role in memory formation, which evolved from my JCB paper mentioned above (Homburg et al., 2000). Dr. M. Cohen-Armon Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Homburg S, Visochek L, Moran N, Dantzer F, Priel E, Asculai E, Schwartz D, Rotter V, Dekel N, Cohen-Armon M.
A fast signal-induced activation of Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase: a novel downstream target of phospholipase c.
J Cell Biol. 2000 Jul 24;150(2):293-307.
Tel-Aviv University
The credit should also be shared with my colleagues at Bar-Ilan University, Israel, who helped me in testing my hypothesis that PARP has a role in memory formation, which evolved from my JCB paper mentioned above (Homburg et al., 2000). Dr. M. Cohen-Armon Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Homburg S, Visochek L, Moran N, Dantzer F, Priel E, Asculai E, Schwartz D, Rotter V, Dekel N, Cohen-Armon M. A fast signal-induced activation of Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase: a novel downstream target of phospholipase c. J Cell Biol. 2000 Jul 24;150(2):293-307. PubMed.
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