. Living Neurons with Tau Filaments Aberrantly Expose Phosphatidylserine and Are Phagocytosed by Microglia. Cell Rep. 2018 Aug 21;24(8):1939-1948.e4. PubMed.


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  1. This is an intriguing study. Externalization of phosphatidylserine is an early indication of apoptosis, which would be anticipated to recruit microglial “attack.” Blocking this early externalization by antioxidants is reminiscent of Mark Smith’s hypothesis (although directed at Aβ rather than tau abnormalities) that the system is mounting attempts at neuroprotection. The authors are spot on in stating that suppression of microglial activation in this instance must be accompanied by therapeutic approaches to curtail tau accumulation, since sparing affected neurons will otherwise promote the recently documented neuronal-neuronal transfer of tau. All in all, this study highlights the complexity of events that bring about and/or result from initial stages of neurodegeneration, and underscore that therapeutic approaches must be equally as complex.

    View all comments by Tom Shea

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