Lezoualc'h F, Sagara Y, Holsboer F, Behl C.
High constitutive NF-kappaB activity mediates resistance to oxidative stress in neuronal cells.
J Neurosci. 1998 May 1;18(9):3224-32.
Lezuoualch et al report complicated evidence suggesting that high NF-Kappa-B activity is associated with resistance to oxidative stress in cultured "sympathetic precursor-like cells". They conclude that their cell culture model may help identify "neuronal target genes of NF-kapa B" which may help elucidate the molecular basis for the differential sensitivity of neurons to oxidative stress-mediated neurodegeneration in AD. This conclusion is built upon a series of speculative assumptions that are supported by little or no direct evidence.
Lezuoualch et al report complicated evidence suggesting that high NF-Kappa-B activity is associated with resistance to oxidative stress in cultured "sympathetic precursor-like cells". They conclude that their cell culture model may help identify "neuronal target genes of NF-kapa B" which may help elucidate the molecular basis for the differential sensitivity of neurons to oxidative stress-mediated neurodegeneration in AD. This conclusion is built upon a series of speculative assumptions that are supported by little or no direct evidence.
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