Wu WS, Holmans P, Wavrant-DeVrièze F, Shears S, Kehoe P, Crook R, Booth J, Williams N, Pérez-Tur J, Roehl K, Fenton I, Chartier-Harlin MC, Lovestone S, Williams J, Hutton M, Hardy J, Owen MJ, Goate A. Genetic studies on chromosome 12 in late-onset Alzheimer disease. JAMA. 1998 Aug 19;280(7):619-22. PubMed.
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Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NYU
The Wu and Rogaeva papers on Chromosome 12 are interesting. They contradict each other on the very important question of the potential role of Chromosome 12 on AD. Apparently the two groups interpret the data differently. A lod score of 1.91, however, in the Wu paper, is not large enough to indicate a disease linkage to the alpha(2)-macroglobulin genomic locus.
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