Varela I, Pereira S, Ugalde AP, Navarro CL, Suárez MF, Cau P, Cadiñanos J, Osorio FG, Foray N, Cobo J, de Carlos F, Lévy N, Freije JM, López-Otín C. Combined treatment with statins and aminobisphosphonates extends longevity in a mouse model of human premature aging. Nat Med. 2008 Jul;14(7):767-72. PubMed.
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Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
The possible role for isoprenoids in modulating certain aging-related phenotypes
is emphasized by this new work demonstrating that the combination of statins
and bisphosphonates appears to mitigate these phenotypes, presumably via
blockade of both farnesylation and geranylgeranylation. Farnesyl transferase
inhibitors (FTIs) had been reported to have such properties, but
those observations were apparently less robust in subsequent studies. Another
aging-related phenomenon, accumulation of amyloid-β peptide in the brains of
amyloid-depositing transgenic mice, is robustly modulated by statins, yet
statins have failed in clinical trials to modulate clinical outcome. The new data
suggest that human Alzheimer trials of statins might be revisited: perhaps
a clinical trial of statins plus bisphosphonates will reveal efficacy where statins
alone have failed.
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