Freir DB, Costello DA, Herron CE.
A beta 25-35-induced depression of long-term potentiation in area CA1 in vivo and in vitro is attenuated by verapamil.
J Neurophysiol. 2003 Jun;89(6):3061-9.
These are difficult experiments to evaluate. One wonders how intracerebral injections of small peptides can act on specific targets inside CNS cells. Although often used, this approach needs many functional correlations to be interpretable. One would like to know how specific the effects are for the 11 amino acid peptide in question, which peptides showed no effects, how much of the peptide was able to enter tissue slides in vitro, its lifetime both in vivo and in vitro, etc. Since calcium channel blockers have effects on many different systems, the effects that are observed could be quite indirect, even the role of calcium itself is unclear. I doubt that these studies support the use of relatively non-specific calcium channel blockers in the treatment of AD.
Yale University School of Medicine
These are difficult experiments to evaluate. One wonders how intracerebral injections of small peptides can act on specific targets inside CNS cells. Although often used, this approach needs many functional correlations to be interpretable. One would like to know how specific the effects are for the 11 amino acid peptide in question, which peptides showed no effects, how much of the peptide was able to enter tissue slides in vitro, its lifetime both in vivo and in vitro, etc. Since calcium channel blockers have effects on many different systems, the effects that are observed could be quite indirect, even the role of calcium itself is unclear. I doubt that these studies support the use of relatively non-specific calcium channel blockers in the treatment of AD.
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