Su JH, Deng G, Cotman CW.
Bax protein expression is increased in Alzheimer's brain: correlations with DNA damage, Bcl-2 expression, and brain pathology.
J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 1997 Jan;56(1):86-93.
This paper appears to provide quite good evidence for activation of some kind of apoptotic mechanism in some neurons of the AD brain. The presence of the Bax protein would appear to support the TdT labeling data, and the presence of Bax in neurons without obvious tangles is interesting.
This paper appears to provide quite good evidence for activation of some kind of apoptotic mechanism in some neurons of the AD brain. The presence of the Bax protein would appear to support the TdT labeling data, and the presence of Bax in neurons without obvious tangles is interesting.
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