. Addendum: The antibody aducanumab reduces Aβ plaques in Alzheimer's disease. Nature. 2017 Jun 21;546(7659):564. PubMed.


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  1. Aducanumab may work because it reduces both insouble and soluble Abeta. However it may be incorrect to believe that the beneficial effect can only be manifest in early or prodromal disease because there is too much damage in more advanced cases. Instead it may be that the brain is not too far gone in more advanced cases but because the plaque burden is greater there is a larger source of toxic soluble oligomers released when the plaques are attacked by the antibody. A proper interpretation of results requires knowledge of the soluble load at the end of treatment, something which is not currently available except at autopsy.

    Rosenblum Neurobiology of Aging 2014; 35:969-974

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