There is an increasing connection between cholesterol and APP/Aβ. This is a provocative hypothesis. While it is likely that the toxicity of Aβ is pleitropic, the proposition that Aβ plays a role in cholesterol transport appears reasonable.
Unfortunately this study does not provide a fair discussion of the subject of 'cholesterol, amyloid beta and Alzheimer's disease'. There are many bibliography references to show that what authors' claim to be their novel idea is already proposed and experimentally addressed in the literature.
See also:
Brain Cholesterol Pathology is the cause of Alzheimer’s disease Koudinov and Koudinova Clin Med Health Res clinmed2001100005, published online November 27, 2001 [ AlzForum hypothesis page ][ Full Text ]
Wood WG, Koudinov AR, Ohm TG, Yanagisawa K, McLaurin J, Eckert GP, Müller WE, Hartmann T, Fahrenholz F.
Cholesterol and Alzheimer's Disease.
Neurobiology of Lipids. 2002 Aug 30;1(4):15-26.
Koudinov AR, Berezov TT, Koudinova NV.
Cholesterol and Alzheimer's disease: is there a link?.
Neurology. 2002 Apr 9;58(7):1135.
Boston University School of Medicine
There is an increasing connection between cholesterol and APP/Aβ. This is a provocative hypothesis. While it is likely that the toxicity of Aβ is pleitropic, the proposition that Aβ plays a role in cholesterol transport appears reasonable.
Unfortunately this study does not provide a fair discussion of the subject of 'cholesterol, amyloid beta and Alzheimer's disease'. There are many bibliography references to show that what authors' claim to be their novel idea is already proposed and experimentally addressed in the literature.
See also:
Brain Cholesterol Pathology is the cause of Alzheimer’s disease Koudinov and Koudinova Clin Med Health Res clinmed2001100005, published online November 27, 2001 [ AlzForum hypothesis page ][ Full Text ]
Wood WG, Koudinov AR, Ohm TG, Yanagisawa K, McLaurin J, Eckert GP, Müller WE, Hartmann T, Fahrenholz F. Cholesterol and Alzheimer's Disease. Neurobiology of Lipids. 2002 Aug 30;1(4):15-26.
Koudinov AR, Berezov TT, Koudinova NV. Cholesterol and Alzheimer's disease: is there a link?. Neurology. 2002 Apr 9;58(7):1135. PubMed.
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