Amyloid β [1-42]
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Clonality: kit
Host: Unknown Host
Source: Biosource Invitrogen
cat# KHB3441, 96 tests
cat#KHB3442, 192 tests
Tampellini, 2009
Serneels, 2009
Dong, 2008
Tampellini, 2007
Sagare, 2007
Van Uden, 2002
Formulation: colormetric kit, 4 member solid phase sandwich, Strip-well plates, precoated with anti-Hu Aβ mAb directed to NH2-terminus of
the mature peptide, liquid stable conjugate, chromogen and stop reagents
Reacts in: Bear, Bovine, Primate (various), Rabbit, Chicken, Human
<em>not</em> mouse, rat, hamster
detects both natural and recombinant human β-amyloid 1-42, C-terminal, in serum, cell culture and CSF. No cross wirh Aβ40 or Aβ43
Paper Citations
- Tampellini D, Rahman N, Gallo EF, Huang Z, Dumont M, Capetillo-Zarate E, Ma T, Zheng R, Lu B, Nanus DM, Lin MT, Gouras GK. Synaptic activity reduces intraneuronal Abeta, promotes APP transport to synapses, and protects against Abeta-related synaptic alterations. J Neurosci. 2009 Aug 5;29(31):9704-13. PubMed.
- Serneels L, Van Biervliet J, Craessaerts K, Dejaegere T, Horré K, Van Houtvin T, Esselmann H, Paul S, Schäfer MK, Berezovska O, Hyman BT, Sprangers B, Sciot R, Moons L, Jucker M, Yang Z, May PC, Karran E, Wiltfang J, D'Hooge R, De Strooper B. gamma-Secretase heterogeneity in the Aph1 subunit: relevance for Alzheimer's disease. Science. 2009 May 1;324(5927):639-42. Epub 2009 Mar 19 PubMed.
- Dong H, Yuede CM, Yoo HS, Martin MV, Deal C, Mace AG, Csernansky JG. Corticosterone and related receptor expression are associated with increased beta-amyloid plaques in isolated Tg2576 mice. Neuroscience. 2008 Jul 31;155(1):154-63. PubMed.
- Tampellini D, Magrané J, Takahashi RH, Li F, Lin MT, Almeida CG, Gouras GK. Internalized antibodies to the Abeta domain of APP reduce neuronal Abeta and protect against synaptic alterations. J Biol Chem. 2007 Jun 29;282(26):18895-906. PubMed.
- Sagare A, Deane R, Bell RD, Johnson B, Hamm K, Pendu R, Marky A, Lenting PJ, Wu Z, Zarcone T, Goate A, Mayo K, Perlmutter D, Coma M, Zhong Z, Zlokovic BV. Clearance of amyloid-beta by circulating lipoprotein receptors. Nat Med. 2007 Sep;13(9):1029-31. PubMed.
- Van Uden E, Mallory M, Veinbergs I, Alford M, Rockenstein E, Masliah E. Increased extracellular amyloid deposition and neurodegeneration in human amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice deficient in receptor-associated protein. J Neurosci. 2002 Nov 1;22(21):9298-304. PubMed.
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