How to Cite

How to cite Alzforum content

Different publications adopt different citation styles. In general, you will need to include the following information. 

Author Name.  The name of the author appears at the end of a news article. Please note, many Alzforum pages do not carry an author name.

Date of Publication. The date of publication appears at the beginning of a news article. Many Alzforum pages, such as our database pages, do not carry a publication date.

Title of Web Page.  The title of the web page generally appears at the top of the page.

Name of Web Site. The name of our Web site is Alzforum.

URL. Please include the full Web link address of the page.

Access Date. The date that you viewed the page.  


Below is an example for a specific Web page for an entry in Alzforum's research model database:

5xFAD | Alzforum. (n.d.). Retrieved May 14, 2015, from  https://www.alzforum.org/research-models/5xfad