
The AlzAntibodies database replaces the Antibodies database. This new database aims to provide detailed descriptions of selected antibodies rather than a catalog of a large number of antibodies. We welcome community feedback on this new effort: Which antibodies would you like to see included in the database and how can we make the entries more helpful to researchers? Please email us at

The Antibodies database is archived, and it will no longer be updated. To access the archived Antibodies database, click here.

The first set of antibodies has been added to the AlzAntibodies database. Additional antibodies will be added over time.

Antibody Collections

Helmholtz Collection

This set of antibodies, directed against neuroimmune/microglial proteins, was generated by the Monoclonal Antibody Core Facility at Helmholtz Munich upon recommendations of an expert panel.

Tau Collection

AT-8 | Alz-50 | CP-13 | MC-1 | PHF-1