Where to Turn for Research: Human Studies of eFAD


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Litwin-Zucker Research Center, Long Island

This new center is expanding its clinical and research activities geared toward eFAD. It provides a state-of-the-art evaluation service including clinical and neuropsychological testing and brain imaging. The center is inviting eFAD families to come for care and clinical observation while plans are underway to offer small, intensive intervention studies with biomarker readouts to assess the effects of experimental treatments.

Study Leaders/Contacts
Peter Davies, Ph.D. 
Director, Litwin-Zucker Research Center for the Study of Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders 
225 Community Drive, Suite 110 
Great Neck, NY 11021

Erica Christen BS RN 
Director of Core Programs 
Phone: 516-487-3492 
Fax: 516-487-3792


  • Review of clinical medical history and clinical exam for diagnostic purposes.
  • Neuropsychologic testing.
  • Measurement of functional impairment using performance-based measures.
  • Blood sampling for DNA and biomarker studies.

Family Support
The study arranges and pays for travel and lodging. No pay for procedures. Interested families can contact Dr. Davies to be put in touch with a family who is participating in this study and is willing to share its experience confidentially.