Kanne SM, Balota DA, Storandt M, McKeel DW, Morris JC.
Relating anatomy to function in Alzheimer's disease: neuropsychological profiles predict regional neuropathology 5 years later.
Neurology. 1998 Apr;50(4):979-85.
This represents a tremendous amount of careful work. The neuropathological data obtained when the patients died 5 years after testing showed that cored senile plaques were 'systematically related' to psychometric factors. This represents on of the more recent papers showing a relationship of plaques or plaque burden to cognitive function. There are also conflicting papers that emphasizes NFT in cognitive decline in AD. These conflicting data remain to be conclusively resolved.
Banner Research Institute
This represents a tremendous amount of careful work. The neuropathological data obtained when the patients died 5 years after testing showed that cored senile plaques were 'systematically related' to psychometric factors. This represents on of the more recent papers showing a relationship of plaques or plaque burden to cognitive function. There are also conflicting papers that emphasizes NFT in cognitive decline in AD. These conflicting data remain to be conclusively resolved.
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