. Cortical plasticity in Alzheimer's disease in humans and rodents. Biol Psychiatry. 2007 Dec 15;62(12):1405-12. PubMed.


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  1. It is nice to see new evidence in support of the concept of reduced neuronal plasticity in Alzheimer disease (Buell and Coleman, 1979; Coleman et al., 1992). Furthermore, this paper from the Nixon labs provides important evidence for a mechanism of this reduced plasticity.


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    . Reduced GAP-43 message levels are associated with increased neurofibrillary tangle density in the frontal association cortex (area 9) in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 1992 Nov-Dec;13(6):631-9. PubMed.

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  1. Sparking the Brain May Enhance Plasticity, Memory