Senechal Y, Larmet Y, Dev KK.
Unraveling in vivo functions of amyloid precursor protein: insights from knockout and knockdown studies.
Neurodegener Dis. 2006;3(3):134-47.
Biological functions of APP may be secondary as compared to pathogenic effects of Aβ in the study of Alzheimer disease. It is, however, still important to understand the role and regulation of APP because APP expression seems to be upregulated after Aβ accumulates in the brain to some extent.
RIKEN Center for Brain Science
Biological functions of APP may be secondary as compared to pathogenic effects of Aβ in the study of Alzheimer disease. It is, however, still important to understand the role and regulation of APP because APP expression seems to be upregulated after Aβ accumulates in the brain to some extent.
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