. Rocking Promotes Sleep in Mice through Rhythmic Stimulation of the Vestibular System. Curr Biol. 2019 Jan 15; PubMed.


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  1. I found both of these papers fascinating. It is convincing that rocking in the young adult humans assessed increased NREM sleep, particularly stage 3, which is where the most slow-wave activity occurs. It also increased slow-wave oscillations and fast spindles, which coincided with improved memory. Given the beneficial effect of slow-wave sleep on memory, the fact that we all have less and less slow-wave sleep with normal aging, and the likely beneficial effects of slow-wave sleep on decreasing proteins linked to AD pathogenesis, it would be really interesting to see the effect of rocking on NREM sleep and similar parameters measured here in middle-aged and elderly people. If it has effects there, this is something practical that should potentially be further explored more broadly as a potential treatment. The paper in mice nicely shows the effect of rocking/moving on sleep is via the vestibular system. Very cool.

    View all comments by David Holtzman

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This paper appears in the following:


  1. Rocking Improves Sleep and Memory in Adults