Transcription factors of the nuclear factor-kB/rel (NF-kB) family may be important in cell survival by regulating unidentified, antiapoptotic genes. One such gene that protects cells from apoptosis induced by Fas or tumor necrosis factor type a (TNF), IEX-1L, is described in today's issue of Science. Its transcription induced by TNF was decreased in cells with defective NF-kB activation, rendering them sensitive to TNF-induced apoptosis, which was abolished by transfection with IEX-1L. In support, overexpression of antisense IEX-1L partially sensitized normal cells to killing. This study demonstrates a key role of IEX-1L in cellular resistance to TNF-induced apoptosis.—June Kinoshita


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  1. . IEX-1L, an apoptosis inhibitor involved in NF-kappaB-mediated cell survival. Science. 1998 Aug 14;281(5379):998-1001. PubMed.