Several types of RNA help regulate gene expression, and a number of these transcripts have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. However, no one has comprehensively examined how the regulatory RNA transcriptome changes in AD brain—until now. In the January 3 Science Advances, scientists led by Leng Han at Indiana University, Indianapolis, presented such an atlas. Drawing from two postmortem cohorts comprising 1,460 tissue samples, the authors surveyed differences in noncoding and post-translationally modified RNAs between control and AD brain. They identified a total of 126,128 noncoding RNAs, of which 3,392 were differentially expressed in AD, and 953,984 post-translational modifications, of which 21,959 were associated with AD. Many of these altered RNAs modify genes or pathways implicated in the disease.

  • Regulatory RNAs measured in more than 1,400 samples from six brain regions.
  • Alzheimer’s disease was assessed by one clinical and three pathology measures.
  • More than 25,000 differences found between AD and control brain.
  • Findings are freely available in an online database.

The dataset, dubbed ADatlas, is available online in an interactive format that allows scientists to search for RNAs of interest. The data portal displays RNA alterations across all six brain regions and how these relate to AD traits, as well as how each RNA correlates with gene expression.

Celeste Karch at Washington University in St. Louis called this an important resource for the field. “Across neurodegenerative diseases, we are increasingly appreciating the role of the noncoding genome in regulating cellular functions that are critical for pathogenic processes,” she wrote to Alzforum.

Atlas Overview. A survey of regulatory RNA used two cohorts (A), six brain regions (B), and four AD traits (D) to examine four types of RNA (C), turning up more than 25,000 differences between AD and control brain (E). The data are available online (F). [Courtesy of Chen et al., Science Advances/AAAS.]

A few previous studies had tied specific long noncoding RNAs to AD, amyloidosis, or tau pathology (Aug 2018 news; Sep 2023 news; Sep 2023 news). Other work implicated particular post-translational RNA modifications (Dickson et al., 2013; Gaisler-Salomon et al., 2014; Khermesh et al., 2016). Nonetheless, a broad survey had not been done.

To cast a wider net, joint first authors Chengxuan Chen and Yuan Liu at Indiana University, and Zhao Zhang and Wei Hong at the University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, analyzed findings from two large RNA-Seq datasets. The Mount Sinai Brain Bank Study consisted of 915 tissue samples from four brain regions: parahippocampal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus, and anterior prefrontal cortex. The Mayo Clinic AD Genetic Study comprised 545 samples from the temporal cortex and cerebellum. The authors used four different traits to compare AD and control brains: global CDR score of the donor, Braak stage, neuritic plaque score, and mean neocortical plaque density.

For noncoding RNAs, they examined two types: long noncoding RNAs and enhancer RNAs. eRNAs are transcribed from … you guessed it, enhancers, and thus can bind those regions to facilitate polymerase recruitment and DNA looping, which brings the transcription machinery into contact with the promoters of target genes. Regarding post-translational modifications, the authors catalogued alternative polyadenylation, which affects transcript length and stability, as well as adenosine to inosine RNA editing. Inosines are typically read as guanosines, so this modification changes the underlying code and the translated protein.

What did they find? Out of 33,321 lncRNAs identified in the six brain regions, 1,462 were differentially expressed across at least one of the four AD traits. The lion’s share of these changes were in the parahippocampal gyrus, a region that includes the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus. These are some of the first areas affected by AD. Many of these lncRNAs affected immune genes and signal transduction. Two lncRNAs of note were LINC02552 and LINC02458, which were suppressed in AD in all regions except the cerebellum. They regulate genes involved in protein homeostasis, immunity, and AD.

Of the 92,897 eRNAs, 1,930 were more or less abundant in AD, predominantly in the parahippocampal gyrus or cerebellum. These eRNAs associated mostly with genes involved in synaptic signaling and ion channels. Two eRNAs came from the inflammatory genes chitinase-3-like protein 2 and mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein, which had been previously linked to AD (Sanfilippo et al., 2020; Eshraghi et al., 2021).

Among the 53,763 alternative polyadenylation (APA) events detected, levels of 556 were linked to AD. The bulk of these were in the parahippocampal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus, or cerebellum, a region not typically associated with AD pathology. These APAs affected expression of genes associated with synaptic signaling, immunity, and AD. They included voltage-dependent ion channel 2 and the α-synuclein gene SNCA.

A-to-I editing was the most common alteration. Out of 900,221 such events identified, 21,403 were linked to AD. The vast majority of these were in the cerebellum, with parahippocampal gyrus a distant second. Some had been linked to AD before: synaptic gene GRIA2, vesicular coat protein COPA, and small ubiquitin-like modifier 1. COPA associates with fewer plaques, SUMO1 with worse tangles (Dec 2018 conference news; Yang et al., 2019; Apr 2024 conference news).

The authors noted some caveats. For one thing, the cohorts were of predominantly European ancestry, so it is unclear if the findings would apply to other ethnicities. For another, methodological differences in the RNA-Seq techniques used in each cohort may have introduced bias. Finally, the authors cautioned that they do not know if these RNA changes are a cause or consequence of AD.—Madolyn Bowman Rogers


  1. The Expanding Role of RNA Therapeutics in Alzheimer's Disease Research Translational research over the past decades has primarily focused on protein-coding genes, which make up only 1.5 percent of the human genome. However, many of these genes are considered undruggable, a limitation underscored by the fact that, to date, only a little over 800 protein drug targets have received FDA approval across all human diseases (Human Protein Atlas). In contrast, the remaining 98.5 percent of the transcribed genome, long dismissed as “junk DNA,” consists of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs). These include small ncRNAs, such as microRNAs, which have emerged as promising biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease and may help to define specific disease stages (Krüger et al., 2024; Liu et al., 2024). Another key category is long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), which are increasingly recognized for their roles in gene regulation and neurodegeneration (Mattick et al., 2023).

    The past decade has witnessed a paradigm shift in our understanding of ncRNA function, coinciding with rapid advancements in RNA-based therapeutics, which are now transitioning from bench to clinical application at an unprecedented pace (Winkle et al., 2021). However, despite this progress, RNA therapeutics in brain diseases remain relatively underexplored. In this context, this study by Chen et al. represents a major breakthrough, offering a comprehensive catalog of ncRNAs and RNA editing in AD brains. By systematically analyzing 1,460 postmortem brain samples, the authors identified thousands of deregulated noncoding RNAs and post-transcriptional RNA editing events across multiple brain regions. Their publicly available ADatlas provides an invaluable resource for investigating RNA-based mechanisms in neurodegeneration and offers novel insights into enhancer RNAs (eRNAs), alternative polyadenylation (APA) events, RNA editing, and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in AD.

    LncRNAs, in particular, are of growing interest due to their essential roles in regulating gene expression, chromatin structure, mRNA translation, and stability. While previous studies have implicated lncRNAs in tau pathology and amyloid pathology, only recently have researchers begun to systematically explore their potential as therapeutic targets and biomarkers in AD (Schröder et al., 2024; Schröder et al., 2025). This emerging field holds immense potential for expanding the space for drug discovery in neurodegenerative diseases, including AD. One major advantage of lncRNAs as drug targets is their cell-type and tissue-specific expression patterns, with up to 40 percent of human lncRNAs reported to be brain specific (Derrien et al., 2012). These properties make them attractive candidates for precision medicine approaches, further reinforcing the significance of the ADatlas dataset.

    In the broader field of RNA therapeutics, it is essential to distinguish between two key approaches: ncRNAs acting as drugs, and ncRNAs serving as drug targets. In the first approach, siRNAs or miRNAs are designed to reduce the expression of disease-associated proteins. A striking example is ALN-APP, an investigational RNA interference (RNAi) therapeutic developed by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, which targets amyloid precursor protein (APP) for the treatment of AD and cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Meanwhile, the second approach focuses on targeting ncRNAs themselves, using antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) or other RNA-based modalities to modulate their function. Although this approach is still in preclinical stages for AD, promising data exist for other postmitotic and excitable tissues, such as the heart. Recent clinical findings suggest that targeting a specific microRNA could be therapeutic for heart failure (Bauersachs et al., 2024), a breakthrough that prompted Novo Nordisk to acquire the correspoding start-up company.

    These developments reflect a broader trend in pharmaceutical research, where RNA-based therapeutics are gaining traction as powerful tools for modulating disease processes. The comprehensive dataset provided by Chen et al. could serve as a blueprint for identifying novel RNA-based drug candidates, potentially enabling researchers to target ncRNAs that play a key role in AD pathogenesis.

    However, a significant challenge remains: distinguishing causative from correlative changes in the noncoding transcriptome. While ADatlas offers a high-resolution snapshot of RNA alterations, further functional studies are necessary to determine the exact role of specific ncRNAs in disease progression.

    Overall, the study by Chen et al. represents a major milestone in AD research, reinforcing the need to further explore ncRNAs and RNA-based interventions in the ongoing search for effective AD treatments. As the field of RNA therapeutics continues to evolve, these discoveries may pave the way for novel precision medicine strategies targeting neurodegenerative diseases.

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News Citations

  1. Largest AD Whole-Exome Study to Date Finds Two New Risk Genes
  2. Missing ‘Lnc’? Long Noncoding RNAs Bind Tau, Tame Stress Granules
  3. When Faced with Amyloidosis, Human Transplants Die by Necroptosis
  4. Tau Silences, Aβ Inflames; Hitting Excitatory Synapses Hardest
  5. Could Sumoylation Take Down Tangles?

Paper Citations

  1. . Alternative Polyadenylation and miR-34 Family Members Regulate Tau Expression. J Neurochem. 2013 Aug 28; PubMed.
  2. . Hippocampus-specific deficiency in RNA editing of GluA2 in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2014 Aug;35(8):1785-91. Epub 2014 Mar 1 PubMed.
  3. . Reduced levels of protein recoding by A-to-I RNA editing in Alzheimer's disease. RNA. 2016 Feb;22(2):290-302. Epub 2015 Dec 11 PubMed.
  4. . CHI3L2 Expression Levels Are Correlated with AIF1, PECAM1, and CALB1 in the Brains of Alzheimer's Disease Patients. J Mol Neurosci. 2020 Oct;70(10):1598-1610. Epub 2020 Jul 23 PubMed.
  5. . Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis: Role of Autophagy and Mitophagy Focusing in Microglia. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Mar 24;22(7) PubMed.
  6. . Genetic and Expression Analysis of COPI Genes and Alzheimer's Disease Susceptibility. Front Genet. 2019;10:866. Epub 2019 Sep 19 PubMed.

External Citations

  1. ADatlas

Further Reading

Primary Papers

  1. . Comprehensive characterization of the transcriptional landscape in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brains. Sci Adv. 2025 Jan 3;11(1):eadn1927. Epub 2025 Jan 3 PubMed.