Mutations Position Table

PSEN2 R62 Mutations


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Mutation Pathogenicity DNA Change Expected RNA | Protein Consequence Coding/Non-Coding Genomic Region Neuropathology Biological Effect Primary
AD : Benign, FTD : Not Classified Substitution Substitution | Missense Coding Exon 5

Unknown. In two carriers, CSF biomarker levels were variable.

In two carriers, CSF Aβ peptide levels were variable. In cells, unchanged Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio; unchanged Aβ42; No change in proteolytic products PSEN2-CTF and PSEN2-NTF.

Cruts et al., 1998;
Gallo et al., 2010
AD : Benign Substitution Substitution | Missense Coding Exon 5


Reduced levels of CSF Aβ43 and Aβ42, and increased Aβ40; decreased Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio in one carrier.

Sleegers et al., 2004

There are two reported variants at codon 62 in the N-terminal region of PSEN2 that result in the replacement of the arginine at this position with either cysteine or histidine. It is not clear that either variant affects pathogenicity as neither has been shown to segregate with disease (either AD or FTD) in the families in which the variants were identified. Both variants have been found in cognitively healthy individuals. Notably, the R62H variant was found in 20 out of 130 African individuals whose DNA was included in the Centre d’Etude du Polymorphisme Humain-Human Genome Diversity Panel (CEPH-HGDP), suggesting this may be a common polymorphism in African populations.

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