Mutations Position Table

PSEN1 L424 Mutations


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Mutation Pathogenicity DNA Change Expected RNA | Protein Consequence Coding/Non-Coding Genomic Region Neuropathology Biological Effect Primary
AD : Likely Pathogenic Substitution Substitution | Missense Coding Exon 12

Unknown, but in proband, MRI showed medial temporal lobe atrophy and global cortical atrophy; PET showed hypometabolism in parietal areas, the precuneus, and the posterior cingulate cortex. Also, reduced CSF Aβ42.

Unknown, but predicted pathogenic by multiple in silico algorithms. 3D in silico analysis predicted shortening of two intramembrane α-helices and creation of a new one.

Guven et al., 2019
AD : Pathogenic Substitution Substitution | Missense Coding Exon 12

Unknown; generalized cerebral atrophy by MRI; diffuse cerebral hypoperfusion by SPECT.

Increased Aβ42/Aβ40 and Aβ43; decreased Aβ37/Aβ42.

Raux et al., 2005;
Zekanowski et al., 2006
AD : Pathogenic Substitution Substitution | Missense Coding Exon 12

Unknown; MRI showed cortical and subcortical atrophy with a thin corpus callosum.

Increased Aβ42/Aβ40 and Aβ43 levels, and decreased Aβ37/Aβ42.

Kowalska et al., 1999
AD : Pathogenic Substitution Substitution | Missense Coding Exon 12

Unknown, but neuroimaging in two patients revealed brain atrophy with white-matter changes.

Increased Aβ42/Aβ40 and decreased Aβ37/Aβ42 in cultured cells.



Mehrabian et al., 2006
AD : Not Classified, Atypical Dementia : Not Classified Substitution Substitution | Missense Coding Exon 12

Unknown; CT and SPECT imaging showed diffuse cortical and subcortical atrophy and hypoperfusion affecting the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes in one patient. In another, fronto-temporal atrophy was predominant, as revelaed by CT and MRI. 

Increased Aβ40, Aβ42, and Aβ42/Aβ40 in vitro.

Robles et al., 2009

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